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Headshot of Matt Gitzinger
Matt Gitzinger

#ValuesSuperStars: Matt Gitzinger – Doing What’s Best for the People of North Carolina

Each of us has a personal connection with UNC Health’s mission to improve the health and well-being of North Carolinians. For one of our #ValuesSuperStars Matt Gitzinger and his team, it means improving equity in COVID-19 vaccine distribution across the state.

Insuring equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution is a priority which Matt and the Population Health Operations team have led.

“Matt’s whole team, bought in under his leadership, have now been responsible for scheduling [COVID-19] vaccines for many disadvantaged people in the state of NC,” praises Amy Shaheen, MD, from the Health Alliance, who wanted to recognize Matt for this valuable and needed work.

According to Dr. Shaheen, “[Matt] disrupted his usual work to create a system. He really believed in this, and it was really data-driven. Matt was ready to jump in and say ‘this is what’s best for the people of North Carolina’. The results have far surpassed the targets the team set in reaching vulnerable citizens along 15 social factors like poverty, minorities, over 65 and under 17 years old, housing and transportation challenges and language barriers.”

Still, Matt is clear that the #ValuesSuperStars “are all of the team. From our 16 call center [teammates] who made those outreach phone calls and really helped to drive a more equitable vaccination initiative.”

Hard work isn’t the only factor leading to the team’s success. Matt highlights the importance of taking time to focus on well-being “taking care of yourself – spending time with the kids, taking the dog for a walk, having a break.” Amy adds, “sometimes just being recognized is really important – that you are not just ‘doing the slog’ and people aren’t noticing.”

Thank you, Matt, for being one of our #ValuesSuperStars and part of our One Great Team.

Read other #ValuesSuperStars stories.

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