UNC Lineberger Club Brunch – February 2024
Saturday, February 17 at 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
The Carolina Inn – Hill Ballroom
Featured Speakers

Hong Jin (HJ) Kim, MD
Division Chief, Surgical Oncology
Ted B. Seagroves, Jr. Distinguished Professor
Dr. Kim is a clinical researcher whose practice focuses on the surgical management of malignant pancreatic cancers. His research at UNC Lineberger involves finding drug targets to improve colorectal cancer treatment and identify drugs that can bypass the resistance some gastrointestinal cancers have to chemotherapy.
Jen Jen Yeh, MD
Professor of Surgery and Pharmacology
Oliver Smithies Investigator
Director, Pancreatic Center of Excellence
Co-Leader, UNC Lineberger Clinical Research Program
Clinical Researcher, Gastrointestinal Oncology Program
Dr. Yeh is a clinical researcher whose practice works with patients with endocrine diseases and pancreatic cancers. As a researcher, Yeh focuses on the use of genomics to identify new therapies for pancreatic cancer patients.
Karyn Stitzenberg, MD, MPH
Professor, Division of Surgical Oncology
Adjunct Professor, Health Policy Management
A surgical specialist in colorectal cancer, breast, and skin cancers, Dr. Stizenberg is a recipient of the UNC Health Care and UNC Faculty Physicians Award for Carolina Care Excellence.
As a public health researcher, Dr. Stizenberg focuses on the impact of travel burdens, access to care, and care coordination to effective delivery of cancer care, with the aim of minimizing barriers to care while optimizing clinical outcomes through effective care coordination.
Philip M. Spanheimer, MD
Assistant Professor, Surgical Oncology
Dr. Spanheimer is a surgeon whose work includes skin cancers, gastroientestincal malignancies, and surgeries involving breast cancers. His research interests are in breast cancer biology, including hormone response/resistance mechanisms in breast cancer.
Michael T. LeCompte, MD
Assistant Professor
Division of Surgical Oncology, REX
Dr. LeCompte is a clinician whose specialty is the use of minimally invasive robotic surgery in treating liver and biliary system cancers. As one of a small number of specialists using these techniques, LeCompte’s research involves expanding the body of evidence that these procedures offer similar benefits in oncology as they do in other fields.