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UNC Medicine eNews

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An announcement from UNC Medicine

UNC Medicine Newsletter | AUGUST 2019

UNC Medicine: Who We Are

Learn more about UNC Medicine and how we work together with UNC Hospitals, UNC School of Medicine, and your favorite areas across medicine like UNC Children’s and Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

UNC School of Medicine’s Dr. Brooke Chidgey is on the front lines of North Carolina’s opioid crisis – working to ensure the next generation of Tar Heel doctors is prepared to manage it.

PhD candidate Natalie Hewitt Valentin wants young researchers to have the same opportunities she did to follow their dreams of becoming innovative scientists.

In the News

CNN: Scientists find anorexia is linked to metabolism

WRAL: Program aims to improve mental health of teens and parents

NPR: Sesame Allergies Likely More Widespread Than Previously Thought

Chapelboro: UNC Health Care ranks highly in U.S. News and World Report

We want to hear from you! Please take our short survey and let us know how
we are doing.


123 W. Franklin Street, Suite 510 | Chapel Hill, NC 27514-1050



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