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Help Desk – Fund Request
Help Desk – Fund Request
Katelyn Apple
Laura Andersen
Allison Baranowski
Becky Batts
Martin Baucom
Nicole Brancato
Matt Cain
Cindy Carter
Sarah Chi
Anna Lee Clark
Chris Copsey
Kerrenda Crandol
Lakeisha Cribb
Todd Dawson
Kristen Duggleby
Mary Liz Entwistle
Susan Ervin
Felicia Felton
Ellen Fraser
Holli Gall
Mary Gard
Tina Gilliam
Lakshmi Gopakumar
Alex Hayden
Claire Horne
Bobby Hundley
Kathryn Hunter
Burt Jenkins
Tessa Johnson
Eli Jordfald
Jacky Kelly
Mark Kimmel
Cameron Shoaf Lafferty
Jinhee Lee
Jon Leggette
Keela Lyon
Lucy Manning
Andrew Mitalas
Aime Mitchell
Maddi Muse
Madeline Neal
Leslie Nelson-Bernier
Liza Purcell
Kara Raynor
Mary Brooks Rice
Sarah Rierson
Jodi Robinette
Beverly Ross
Felicia Sawyer
Jeanine Simmons
Allison Smith
Samantha South
Tom Sowders
Ellen Tompkins
Kathy Valley
Claire Veazey
Erin Videgar-Laird
Taylor Zimmerman
Submission of this ticket starts the process to create a fund designation request in Davie. It does not start the creation of a draft fund agreement. If you haven’t started the draft agreement yet, please reach out to Anna Lee Clark.
I have already started the draft agreement
Is this request for?
Medical Educaton
Select all the boxes you need help with:
New Designation Request
Historic Fund Authority Request
When would you like this fund established?
*no sooner than 1 month*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Fund Title
Please do not start your fund title with "The" and be sure that "Fund" is included in the fund title as well.
Department Number
Aging and Health Center - 428401
Alcohol Studies Center - 428801
Allergy and Immunology (Medicine) - 411451
Allied Health - CLDS - 405502
Allied Health - CLS - 405505
Allied Health - OT - 405508
Allied Health - PA - 405509
Allied Health - PT - 405507
Allied Health - Rad Sci - 405504
Allied Health - RCP - 405506
Allied Health - SPHS - 405503
Allied Health - SS - 405510
Allied Health Sciences - 405501
Anesthesiology - 413601
Biochemistry and Biophysics - 423001
Biomedical Engineering - 424601
Biomedical Research Imaging Center - 426001
Cardiology (Medicine) - 411405
Cell Biology and Physiology - 422001
Center of Excellence in Community Mental Health - 412210
Cystic Fibrosis/Pulmonary Research Center - 426401
Dermatology - 412601
Developmental Disabilities Institute - 429401
Diabetes Center for Excellence - 427201
Emergency Medicine - 411201
Endocrinology (Medicine) - 411410
Family Medicine - 411601
Gastroenterology (Medicine) - 411420
Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease Center - 429001
Gene Therapy Center - 428001
Genetics - 423501
Genetics (Medicine) - 411406
GeneticsCurriculGenomeSciences - 423502
Genome Sciences - 426201
Geriatric Medicine (Medicine) - 411440
Global Health and Infectious Diseases Center - 427801
Hematology (Medicine) - 411490
Infectious Diseases (Medicine) - 411460
Internal Medicine (Medicine) - 411430
Kidney Center - 427601
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center - 426807
Maternal and Infant Health Center - 425401
McAllister Heart Institute - 427001
Med Ed-International Activities - 420214
Med Ed-Academy of Educators - 420207
Med Ed-Admissions - 420205
Med Ed-HCAP Curriculum - 420212
Med Ed-MD Teaching - 420210
Med Ed-MD/PHD - 420213
Med Ed-Office Special Programs - 420206
Med Ed- Student Affairs - 420204
Medical Alumni Affairs - 420105
Medical Education - 420201
Medical Faculty Affairs - 420111
Medical Foundation - 420150
Medicine (Department of) - 411401
Microbiology and Immunology - 422501
Molecular Biology - 428201
Nephrology (Medicine) - 411470
Neurology - 411801
Neuroscience Center - 428601
Neurosurgery - 414201
Obstetrics Gynecology - 412401
Oncology (Medicine) - 411491
Ophthalmology - 413201
Orthopedics - 414600
Otolaryngology (ENT) - 414401
Pathology Lab Med - 413801
Pediatrics - 412001
Pharmacology - 424001
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - 413401
Psychiatry - 412201
Pulmonary (Medicine) - 411480
Radiation Oncology - 413001
Radiology - 412801
Rheumatology (Medicine) - 411450
School of Medicine - Dean's Office - 402101
Social Medicine - 424901
Surgery - 414001
TEACCH - 427401
Thurston Arthritis Research Center - 429201
Toxicology Curriculum - 429601
TraCS Institute - 429801
UNC HealthCare/Hospice - 420150
Urology - 414101
Womens Health Research Center - 425201
Fund Type
Capital - Loan Funds
Capital - Property, Buildings & Equipment
Current - Academic Divisions
Current - Curriculum Development Funds
Current - Faculty/Staff Support
Current - Graduate Support
Current - Library
Current - Merit Scholarships
Current - Need-based Scholarships
Current - Operations & Maintenance of Physical Plant
Current - Other Restricted Purposes
Current - Professorships
Current - Public Service & Extension
Current - Research
Current - Student Life
Current - Unrestricted
Endowment - Academic Divisions
Endowment - Curriculum Development Funds
Endowment - Faculty/Staff Support
Endowment - Graduate Support
Endowment - Library
Endowment - Merit Scholarships
Endowment - Need-based Scholarships
Endowment - Operations & Maint of Physical Plant
Endowment - Other Restricted Purposes
Endowment - Professorship
Endowment - Quasi-Endowment
Endowment - Research
Endowment - Unrestricted
Medical Foundation - 34
LCCC - 37
Unit Priority
Patient Care
Advocacy and Outreach
Faculty Support
Greatest Need
Source #
(Ex: M0239)
When would you like to have this completed?
* no sooner than 5-7 business days *
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please provide a summary of your expected results:
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Please upload any files, documents, and images (including signatures) to assist us in the completion of this project.
Max. file size: 98 MB.